Friday, September 22, 2006

This is a Channel Senbei News Update!

If you're one of those pathetic people with too much time on your hands and who frequents this little section of the ether that I like to call my own, you may have noticed that the place has changed a bit. A bit sexier, I like to think. It's the kind of change that will make pretty girls who visit the page say, "Oh, this Senbei hunk, he's probably really sexy in real life," I like to think. It's the kind of change that will make them say, "Oh, this Senbei hunk, I should invite him to a sleepover with me and my equally pretty sister," I like to think.

The change is thanks to Blogger Beta, which I signed up for today out of sheer boredom, and which allows me to edit this page with little more than the click of a mouse. Much preferable to the wading through lines upon lines of html just to add one stupid link for one stupid tlpbaps or WeeZle. The most noticeable changes are the addition of labels, should you only be interested in reading the comics-themed blogs of the past or whatever, and the compaction of the blog archive into a sexually attractive drop-down menu. The kind of menu that will make pretty girls blush and start searching feverishly for an email address so they can invite me to a night in a hot tub followed by a round of naked Twister with their equally pretty lady friends, I like to think.

Oh, and I've updated my profile with some more geeky shit. No delusions there, though -- it's not sexy at all. In fact, it might REPEL people; not just pretty girls, but everyone. It's quite vomitrocious (yes, yes, I did just use a term that originated in PBS's Arthur) in its geekiness, so don't even bother to check it.

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