Monday, May 15, 2006

A racked arm will get you anywhere

Midori Days reminds me of that episode of Star Trek: Enterprise where Trip becomes pregnant with an alien baby and grow nipples on his wrists.

Wow, what a horrifically sexist thing to say. As if women are just walking boobies. I should burn in Hell for saying that. Or at least have my blog taken anyway from me. SOME sort of reprimand from above!

...Well, God hasn't seemed to have struck me down yet. She probably doesn't care that much (oh, controversy!!). I guess that gives me a chance to point out that volume 1 of the Midori Days anime has been released here in the US of A. It's pretty good. Very faithful to the manga in terms of story and character design. I'm a little upset that it became somewhat generic in this form, though. The art is dimmed down from Inoue's excellence to what you'd find in pretty much ANY romantic comedy anime. Half of the English voice-acting cast sucks, too, especially Midori. Her voice is that annoyingly high, wispy voice that works well in Japanese but sounds like a nails-onna-chalkboard in English. Seiji's English VA did a swell job though, and Seiji's fight scenes are on par with Cowboy Bebop quality action. I wish I didn't have to dish out $22.99 to Best Buy just to see these first five episodes, but I guess I'll survive. I honestly liked the manga better though, and highly recommend it to the nonexistent anime fanboys who are reading this.

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